Franklin County Cooperative - ThriveOnThriveOn logo

Welcome Franklin County Cooperative Employees

As a Franklin County Cooperative employee, you now have access to the comprehensive collection of unique products and services from BMI Federal Credit Union. This includes our award-winning Financial Education Program. Below is a list of webinars exclusively for Franklin County Cooperative employees. 

Workshops Date/Time Location AddressPrint this page
Emergency Funds Thursday, November 7 at 11:00am Zoom

To Register

Click on the workshop in which you are interested, and enter your name and contact information. You will receive a reminder email prior to the event with the date, time. All virtual webinars will be through Zoom. Zoom login details will be sent to your inbox upon registration.  

Additional Free Workshops 

We also offer free workshops open to the community and Franklin County staff! Check out what we have coming up. 

Who To Contact

For questions about the BMI FCU Financial Education program, or additional products and services, contact your BMI Federal Credit Union Business Development Manager.

Karen Hejmanowski

Karen Hejmanowski | Sr. Business Development Manager

614.707.4127 | 

#1 Best Credit Union, 6 years in a row!

For questions about your Franklin County Cooperative ThriveOn program, contact ThriveOn. 
614-525-3948 |

For video conferencing, BMI FCU will protect the information discussed during this session, pursuant to the ZOOM PRIVACY POLICY, however, BMI FCU does not guarantee my privacy or information will be protected through the use of a Third-Party Video Conferencing Platform. BMI FCU will utilize all appropriate security features provided by the Third-Party Video Conferencing Platform to protect our conversation and information exchanged.